Follow Jesus’ example (Attribute Success to Others)

This blog is the ninth in a new series on excellence in leadership. Drawn from Chapter 11 of my book “More Than Your Business Card,” it explores Jesus’ conduct as the perfect example we are called to imitate.


Following two years in the custody of Turkish authorities while awaiting trial on fabricated charges of aiding terrorism, Pastor Andrew Brunson was convicted on October 12, 2018, and sentenced to time served. Within twenty-four hours, he went from facing the prospect of a thirty-five-year prison sentence to praying for President Trump in the Oval Office! How is that for a swift 180-degree change in circumstances? 

Andrew Brunson is an extraordinary leader. By founding a local church in Izmir more than twenty years ago, he and his wife, Norine, became spiritual entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship is inherently risky, and they were well aware of the dangers. Death threats were common as they led their small congregation and openly shared their faith in Jesus with everyone, including Turks, Kurds, and Syrian refugees. The certainty that God had called them to Turkey, along with their love for the Turkish people, sustained them through many challenges. 

Upon learning of his release, Mary and I rejoiced. Like thousands of believers around the world, we had prayed for Brunson for two years. We felt a special bond with him since at that time he was the Middle East coordinator for Partners in Harvest, an affiliation created by our local church in Toronto. Brunson attributed his successful release to others, which included the thousands praying for him around the world and the many people, politicians, and organizations who spoke up for him. Most importantly, Brunson and his wife gave thanks to God for acting through so many others to secure their release. 

On a much larger scale, Jesus experienced great success during His earthly ministry. Yet Jesus attributed His success to someone else.

On a much larger scale, Jesus experienced great success during His earthly ministry. Many people were healed, the dead were raised, and even His enemies acknowledged His extraordinary wisdom. Yet Jesus attributed His success to someone else. In response to hostile questioning on one occasion, He replied, My Father is always working, and so am I. . . . I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by Himself. He does only what He sees the Father doing (John 5:17, 19). Jesus, who is God the eternal Son, took on human flesh, thereby constraining His power during His earthly sojourn. As a result, He acknowledged complete reliance on God the Father for His every success. In this interaction with His critics, Jesus gave credit where credit was due. 

Considering Jesus’ example, I recognize that I sometimes forget to give credit to others. While this is hard for leaders to admit, we depend to a significant degree on others for any success we achieve. In particular, as a follower of Jesus, I need to constantly keep my dependence upon God in the front of my mind and give credit to Him for every success in my life. 

Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay


Follow Jesus’example (Protect Others)


Follow Jesus’ example (Wisdom)