Follow Jesus’ example (Mission Driven)

This blog is the second in a new series on excellence in leadership. Drawn from Chapter 11 of my book “More Than Your Business Card,” it explores Jesus’ conduct as the perfect example we are called to imitate.


Leaders understand the importance of being mission driven. By staying on mission, effective leaders avoid distractions that undermine the realization of goals. In this respect, no one in history has more perfectly exemplified being mission driven than Jesus. 

Physician, historian, and author of two books of the Bible, Luke records when Jesus announced His mission in the local synagogue. After reading a prophecy written hundreds of years earlier by Isaiah concerning the future arrival of a savior to set people free, Jesus said, in essence, “I am that Savior.” 

In an encounter with a member of the Jewish ruling council, Jesus amplified the meaning underlying the freedom He referenced in His message that day: that is, freedom from God’s judgment (see John 3:1-21). Everyone stands condemned before God because of their thoughts, words, and deeds. According to Jesus, they are held captive by sin. However, those who trust in Jesus are no longer captive to, or condemned by, sin. Rather, they are set free, reconciled with God, and granted eternal life. 

Jesus animated His mission with deeds. Everywhere He went, He healed people of various serious diseases. He taught the principles of the kingdom of God’s rule, and He confronted evil in both the rulers of that time and in His followers. Being without sin, Jesus executed His mission perfectly. 

In a meeting with a non-Jewish leader subsequent to Jesus’ resurrection, the apostle Peter summarized the life of Jesus as follows: “And you know that God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power. Then Jesus went around doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with him” (Acts 10:38). 

By enduring the cross and thereby bearing the punishment due every human being, Jesus perfectly fulfilled His mission.

By enduring the cross and thereby bearing the punishment due every human being, Jesus perfectly fulfilled His mission. By rising from the dead, Jesus ratified His mission. As believers in Jesus, we understand that true freedom, meaning, and abundant living are found only by accepting His unconditional offer of forgiveness.

How about you? Do you have a life mission statement? Mine is “to know Jesus better and to better make Him known.” I apply it not only in my personal life but also in my professional one. 

If you would like to chat about developing your own life purpose (mission) statement, I would be more than happy to discuss it with you and how I went about formulating mine. Please let me know!

Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay


Follow Jesus’ example (Serve Others)


Follow Jesus’ example (Introduction)