Is unbiblical thinking shortening my lifespan?

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind…”

the apostle Paul

This week I came across an article about aging and, more specifically, five things that speed up aging. The article reports on the research findings of Elizabeth Blackburn, PhD, who won the Nobel Prize in 2009 for discovering the molecular nature of telomeres, the ends of chromosomes that serve as protective caps essential for preserving genetic information, and for co-discovering telomerase, an enzyme that maintains telomere ends.

Of course, a headline like that grabbed my attention and I succumbed! Without getting into the details, here are the five thought patterns that harm our telomeres and could thereby possibly accelerate aging:

  • Cynical hostility

  • Pessimism

  • Rumination

  • Thought suppression

  • Distraction

The article concludes with Blackburn’s research findings that the reverse of these thought patterns improves health at the genetic level (not just the mental/emotional level).

“These five negative thought patterns are automatic ones, built-in habits that also tend to be exaggerated and controlling. With thought awareness, we free ourselves from such patterns. The secret to the human mind, they explained, was that we don’t need to believe everything our thoughts tell us. Being aware of our own thoughts, and where we are negatively biased, can help let go and stop the negative spiral.”

Because our thinking is sometimes affected by worldly philosophies or lies from the enemy of our souls (aka, the devil), the apostle Paul exhorts us to renew our minds with God’s Word.

The foregoing research conclusions should come as no surprise to those of us who are followers of Jesus and look to the Bible to discern God’s direction for abundant living. Because our thinking is sometimes affected by worldly philosophies or lies from the enemy of our souls (aka, the devil), the apostle Paul exhorts us to renew our minds with God’s Word. In this way, we counter both ignorance of His declarations over us as well as thoughts that contradict His provision for abundant living (including not only quality of life but also quantity).

Here’s an example from my own life. In 2011, I was diagnosed with early stage lung cancer. As previously reported, the overwhelming peace of God filled me the very moment the doctor announced the diagnosis. Within an hour, I was sitting with a prominent thoracic surgeon who explained the situation in more detail. Together, we scheduled the surgery in our calendars and ten days later he removed the upper lobe of my right lung via keyhole surgery. Today, eleven years later, I’m cancer free, fit and enjoying life.

My thought life concerning healing was key to dealing constructively with this health challenge. For decades, I have been intimately aware of God’s love for me. Thus, I understood that He was not the cause of my cancer as that would be incompatible with His love. Moreover, subsequent to the diagnosis and prior to the surgery, Mary received a revelation from the Lord along the following lines. Tell Garth that I have carried away all sicknesses and diseases and cancer doesn’t belong to him

In conclusion, my thinking on that occasion was not conformed to the world, including fear and negative expectations. Fully persuaded regarding a positive outcome, Mary and I enjoyed a nice dinner out the night before the surgery. Based upon the opening story, I wouldn’t be surprised if my telomeres rejoiced!

Photo by on Unsplash


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