Is common sense becoming uncommon?
What about the purpose of my life as distinct from the purpose of the organization I lead?
“The Servant Queen and the King She Serves”
Queen Elizabeth’s conduct during her reign firmly established her as one of the greatest servant leaders of the modern era.
Am I entangled in the sunk-cost fallacy?
Specifically, when followers of Jesus are overly fixated on secular management strategies to which they attribute their business success, they can miss out on God’s best for their professional life.
Am I avoiding the cost?
Rather, he was making the point that, if we choose to follow him, we must come to grips with the cost of that decision.
Should I build some bridges?
Building real relationships demands personal authenticity which can be a catalyst for others opening up about their own lives - their interests, families, hopes and dreams.
Should I burn some bridges?
Sometimes, out of fear of being open about our faith, we hide our light under a bowl.
Is unbiblical thinking shortening my lifespan?
Because our thinking is sometimes affected by worldly philosophies or lies from the enemy of our souls (aka, the devil), the apostle Paul exhorts us to renew our minds with God’s Word.
Do the right thing!
Braun admitted that he had not always put so much importance on honesty. However, his relationship with Jesus that began at the age of thirty-eight had transformed his life so radically that he was able to tell the truth—even when it hurt!
Am I just a layperson?
Simply put, some see the church as divided between those ordained for ministry and everyone else.
Is risk aversion undermining my mission?
By reframing our relationship with those around us as a rescue mission, we clarify the stakes.
What is God’s perspective on inclusion?
By bridging the “holiness gap,” God thereby adopts everyone into His family provided they receive His sacrifice by repenting and surrendering to Him.
Am I properly exercising my authority?
Whether we are considering authority based upon position or expertise, it is important to note that it is not unlimited. It is usually constrained by the delegator (if only by a time limit) or limited to her or his specific field of expertise.
Am I past my “best before” date?
However, unlike food, God doesn’t intend that we gradually deteriorate over time as implied by the “best before” date on food labels.
Are my decisions based on preferences or evidence?
Given the virtue of an evidence-based approach when making decisions, is there evidence supporting the belief in Jesus Christ and His relevance to all of life?
If money doesn't grow on trees, where does it come from?
A healthy and prosperous private sector economy is essential to funding literally everything.
Am I afraid of a bear market?
Investor behavior is often driven less by a dispassionate assessment of their investment portfolio in the context of their long-term objectives and risk preferences and more by an emotional reaction to market volatility.
Heaven bound or “lights out”?
Most Canadians have put their faith in a binary construct - either heaven bound or lights out!
Are you using your “I am” list?
Like the operating system on a computer, the internalization of identity works behind the scenes.
Am I playing offense?
Many believers aren’t experiencing fulfillment in their professional and personal life because they aren’t playing offense.
Is noise pollution contaminating my life?
To me, “noise pollution” is a broader concept than sound only. It encompasses everything that distracts. This would include busyness and the typical temptations that affect everyone.